Building The Yellow Springs Station Observatories
MPC Code # H66, Yellow Springs Research Station.
Here are some construction photos……..

Here I am cutting the 6×6 supports

Tim & I laying the flooring

An Air nailer helps make the job go quickly

Dick cutting openings for the piers

Wall framing and panels up, Dome frame work completed

Preparing the Dome tracking wheels & gears

Dome rotation supports, wheels, and gears in place

Steve and I vinyl sided all 3 buildings

The Chumack Observatories, MPC # H66 Yellow Springs Station
I acquired the help of my friend Tom Bisque at Software Bisque for working out the necessary details in an automated system, Thanks to Tom and Software Bisque for the excellent software support! CCCSOFT, The SKY, T-POINT, Orchestrate, Remote Astronomy, Pocket Sky Software Bisque – Simply the BEST software on the Planet!!!
HomeDome Technical Innovations
Permanent domes for your dream observatory.