Your privacy on the Internet is of the utmost importance to us. As the sole owner and operator of this website, Galactic Images aims to ensure a safe, secure and private environment on the web. Galactic Images utilizes the following practices in regards to any information we obtain about users of this website. In order to fulfill Sales transactions or provide service to you as a customer, we may require you to provide certain information to us. Common information that users provide through voluntary submissions, may include but are not limited to, your name, address, phone number and credit information. By providing this information to Galactic Images, you allow us to utilize it to complete all transactions you request through this website and to disclose that information and details of all such transactions to Galactic Images, our affiliates, and any necessary payment processors. Because of the nature of the Internet, such data may pass through any country.

If you authorize us to send you promotional materials, we may do so using either email or the mailing addresses you provided on the registration or billing information screens. From time to time we may notify you of new content, new products or services, or other information that may interest you. We do not share any information you provide to us, including your email and mail addresses, with any companies outside Galactic Images or payment processors. Should you not wish to receive this type of information, click on the appropriate button or checkbox when asked to respond to the issue, or modify your profile accordingly at any time thereafter.

We use tracking information to determine which areas of our sites users frequent the most. We do not track what individual users read, but rather how well pages and keywords perform overall. This helps us build a better service and image database for you. The terms and keywords entered in the Search function are some of many measures of the interests and needs of our users.

When you visit the Galactic Images website, we may place a text file called a “cookie” in the browser directory of your computer’s hard drive. A cookie is a small piece of information that a website can store on your web browser and later retrieve. The cookie cannot be read by any website other than the one that set up the cookie. Cookies enable our website to recognize the information you have consented to give to our website, and help us determine what portions of this website are most appropriate for your personal needs. We do NOT use cookies to examine your surfing behavior before or after leaving Galactic Images website.

Galactic Images operates on secure data networks by an industry standard firewall and password protection systems. We review and enhance our security and privacy policies as necessary. Through these changes, only authorized individuals have access to the information provided to us by our customers.

By using this site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by Galactic Images. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. If at any time, you believe Galactic Images has not followed the above policy, or if you would like your information to be removed from our system, please contact us. We will make reasonable efforts to identify and correct any problem.