Day 3 of my “High Resolution Moon Week” Image #3
“Wow there is a crack in the Moon” 🤣
Are you ready for some sharp jaw dropping close-ups of the Moon? Please put them up full screen and Enjoy!
I will be posting a new Lunar close-up every day this week. Also Please comment if you like them….
These Images are all taken with my “COLO” Setup!
COLO = Chumack Observatory Lunar Orbiter aka my backyard Observatory.
(old orange tube C8 SCT scope, F6.3 & QHY5IIIL290M Camera), these are so close-up and detailed,
I may as well have been in orbit above the Moon.
All images processed in Autostakkert3, Registax6, PS CC 2020,
Fire-Capture Ser video files, 600 to 1200 sharpest frames Stacked.

Rupes Recta – Latin for Straight Cliff.
The “Straight Wall” is a linear, surface fault having a length of 68 miles (110 km), a typical width of between 1.2 and 1.9 miles (2-3 km), and a height of ranging from 787 ft to 984 ft (240–300 m). Although it appears to be a crack or a 1000 foot vertical cliff in the lunar surface, in actuality the grade of the slope is relatively shallow.

Birt Crater is the 10.6 mile wide crater closest to the Straight Wall and has a smaller crater on its rim known as Birt A. Just West(left) of Birt crater is another small snake like canyon feature called Birt Rima – Rille. On the far left edge is Nicollet Crater. Thebit Crater is just East(right) of the Straight Wall.

Arzachel crater, the Largest in this image upper right of the frame is 60 miles (96 km) across and 2.2 miles (3.6 km) deep. The rugged central peak of Arzachel is prominent, rising 0.9 miles (1.5 km) above the crater floor, which is relatively flat. Upper left of Arzachel crater is Alpetragius crater.

Best Regards,

John Chumack