Nothing wrong with getting a little Green color in the Wee hours of the Morn on St. Patti’s Day!

We got up to the top of the Dome with the Snow Caterpillar, and our 2023 Aurora Crew enjoyed a nice Aurora display covering the entire sky that night,

although the slight  breeze was making it much feel much colder, that we had to occasionally hit the heated Yurts for some hot beverages.

The constellations Perseus & Cassiopeia are both visible on the left side of the image.

I captured this image just outside the Chena River State Recreational Area, at 3,000 ft. Elevation in the White Mountains of Alaska on 03-17-2023

Canon 6D DSLR Camera, 16mm F2.8 Lens, ISO 5000, 5 second exposure.

Best Regards,

John Chumack