Going Deep into The Seven Sisters Star Cluster in the constellation Taurus.

M45 The Pleiades Star Cluster or The Seven Sisters
Tested out a new OptoLong L-Quad 2″ Filter,
I’m impressed with this filter for capturing those dimmer broadband Blue reflection nebulae,
especially from my brighter city Bortle 7-8 skies.

I picked up some fainter HII and Galactic Cirrus around the outer edges of the FOV as well.
I also captured the 17.8 Mag. background Spiral Galaxy UGC 2838,
it can be seen in my image half way between the top edge of the frame and the bright sister star “Electra”.

RASA 8 inch F2.2 , ZWO 294MC cooled Cmos Camera, Opto-Long L-Quad Filter, ZWO AM5 Harmonic Mount,
12 x 300sec., ASI Air Plus, via Wi-Fi to Ipad, 60 minutes total integration time.
Captured from my Observatories at JBSPO in Yellow Springs, Ohio on 02-04-2024.

Best Regards,
John Chumack